Candy Classes

Class Schedule

Carla placing premium chocolate on toffee
Class dates and times will be posted when enough people have signed up to determine the weekly time that will work best. Once class dates are determined, we will stick to that schedule. Dipping classes can only take place after the temperature drops, and will be determined at that time. When classes are added they will be listed here, so check back often!
Join the fun in Carla's kitchen for 4 weeks of hands on candy making instruction.
Name E-mail Phone Message
Select which classes you are interested in, so that I can create a class schedule best suited to everyones likes.
Fondant Centers, including Cordial Cherry Centers
Thin Mint Sandwiches
Caribou Crunch
Sea Foam aka honeycomb aka angel food candy
Pecan Logs
Cordial Cherry Centers
*Communication (required)
I agree to receive email and/or text communication regarding candy class offerings from Carla’s Candy Creations.
Sampler tray of toffee with chopped almonds Carla checking temperature while cooking candy centers Closeup of fondant cooking in candy pan Carla prepping chopped nuts